Faculty Members

Chen Wei
2024-12-26  Click:10

Name:Chen Wei Gender:Female
Birthplace:Hunan Province
Title:Associate Professor
Research Interests:English Language Teaching Applied Linguistics
Teaching Course(s):Integrated English Course

Learning Experiences
2000.9-2004.6:English Language Teaching, Bachelor’s Degree, School of Foreign Languages, Hunan University of Science and Technology.
2008.7-2010.6:English Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics, Master’s Degree, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University,Singapore.

2021- English Education (Ph.D), School of Education, Taylor's University

Working Experience
2004.6-now:School of Foreign Languages, Hainan Normal University

Academic Achievements
I. Published Papers
1.Problems and Countermeasures in the Application of Affective Factors in Classroom Teaching [J].Theory and Practice of Education,2017(3):45-47.
2.Hero Shaping and Cultural Reflection in American Western Films, Film Theory,2017(2): 90-92.
3.Application of Micro-lectures in English Language Teaching in Non-English Majors [J].Fujian Tea,2016(12):252-253.
4.Application of Information dissemination Skills in English News on TV [J].The Press,2016 (18): 91-92.
5.The Necessity of Implementing DRTA in Reading Classrooms and the Teachers’ Role in Chinese School Contexts [J]. Yuwen Journal. 2013, (4): 125-126.
6.An Exploratory Study of Hedging in Chinese ESL Learners’ Academic Abstracts. Overseas English. 2013 (11): 41-43.

II. Published Books
1. Interpretation of American History and Culture in Classic Oscar English Movies, Guangming Daily Publishing House,2016.

2. English Language Teaching from the Cross-cultural perspective, China Book Press, 2019.

III. Projects
1. Investigation of the model of multilingual education talents cultivation in the “One District, One Port” construction background of Hainan, Base research project of Hainan Federation of Humanities & Social Sciences , HNSK(JD)18-39, Project host, In research.
2.Application of flipped classroom mode in Integrated English Course, Educational reform project of Hainan Provincial Department of Education, Hnjg2018-20, Project host, In research.
3.Construction of micro-lecture resource platform and application of flipped classroom mode in Integrated English Course,research project of Hainan Research Center for Applied Foreign Languages, HNWYJD18-07,Project host, In research.
4.On the effectiveness of flipped classroom mode in Integrated English Course,QJY201710121,Hainan Provincial Education Scientific Planning Project, Project host, In research.


1. Integrated English Course 1, First-class Course in Hainan Univeristies (2021)
2.The 6th Micro-course Contest of Foreign Language in China, Final Contest, 3rd Prize (2020)
3.The 6th Micro-course Contest of Foreign Language in China, Hainan Division, 1st Prize (2020)

4.The 5th Micro-course Contest of Foreign Language in China, Final Contest, 3rd Prize (2019)
5.The 5th Micro-course Contest of Foreign Language in China, Hainan Division, 1st Prize (2019)

6. The 9th SFLEP National Foreign Language Teaching Contest, Final Contest, 3rd Prize(2018)
7. The 9th SFLEP National Foreign Language Teaching Contest, Hainan Division, 1st Prize(2018)
8.The 10th Teaching Contest of Hainan Normal University, 1st Prize (2018)
9.The 4th Micro-course Contest of Foreign Language in China, Final Contest, Excellent Prize (2018)
10.The 4th Micro-course Contest of Foreign Language in China, Hainan Division, 1st Prize (2018)
11.The 10th Micro-course Contest of Hainan Normal University, Special Prize (2018)
12.The 3rd Micro-course Contest of Foreign Language in China, Final Contest, Excellent Prize (2017)
13.The 3rd Micro-course Contest of Foreign Language in China, Hainan Division, 1st Prize (2017)
14.The 12th, 11th, 10th, 9th Micro-course Contest of Hainan Normal University, First Prize, First Prize, First Prize, Second Prize (2020, 2019, 2018, 2017)





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